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How to back up / migrate your homepage template in Shopify
Backing up your homepage template is something that should be standard practice. Especially if you are making major modifications, doing a timed release for new content or maybe you just want to migrate your home page into a standard landing...
Creating a free tunnel service for developing Shopify apps
This will be a quick tutorial on creating a tunnel service using Cloudflare’s Tunnel solution to start developing Shopify apps locally, quickly, and without the need for changing tunnel endpoints. Also, Ngrok is great, but free is better. The first...
Shopify bot problem, and how we fixed it
Over the past few months, one of the sites I work on has had it’s fair share of, what I would classify as, an absolutely destruction-filled botting attempt. The unfortunate part is that it worked very well and ruined plenty...
How to change the localhost port for the new Shopify Remix App template
After scanning through the docs there is a simple parameter we can pass to set the port for use with localhost, which we use to run our own tunnel service (using Cloudflare, but with our own subdomain). The main benefit...
Building Reactive Shopify Themes using AlpineJS
AlpineJs brings a easy reactive experience to you Shopify themes. As someone who primarily works within the Shopify ecosystem and has done so for many years, I can tell you the horror stories of pre-Online Store 2.0 development experience. It...